Join us
We see a person in everyone, regardless of whether we call him a user, a customer or a teammate! If you think alike — join us and grow with us!

We recruit for positions
Dołącz do naszego zespołu jako specjalista ds. marketingu.
Poszukujemy kreatywnej osoby, która zajmie się strategią marketingową naszej firmy. Wymagana znajomość narzędzi marketingowych oraz umiejętność pracy w zespole. Oferujemy atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie oraz benefity.
Why is it worth working with us?
We create a place that exudes positive energy, a team full of passion and desire to act together. We are transparent and honestly communicate our needs — we expect the same from you. Relaxed atmosphere, no corpo, team hang-outing.
We grow with you!
We believe that when our employees develop, our company develops. We initiate joint meetings such as design highlights or internal workshops with exchange of knowledge. A culture of feedback is important to us.
We have a space in the center of Warsaw that you can use. This is where we connect with our team members, spread all over the world and with our customers.
Looking at the same topic from different perspectives is an important element of project work for us, so when designing, we work in a duo, or in a larger group. Thanks to this, we complement each other with competences, exchange conclusions and ideas. As a result, we arrive at the best and most relevant solutions.

“What I appreciate most is that in Zima we are well aligned and we are striving for a common goal. We are total design freaks who love what they do. We take our work very seriously, but we also have a lot of laughs — you can't survive here without a good sense of humor!”